
Sunday 16 February 2014



21/2 bowl of rice with bulgur.
1sdm soy sauce
Oil, rolls / butter melatonin

1/4 cup chopped bawanng merh
1/2 cup green chili

How to cook:
Red onions, green chili (di contents) and the SP Resentment small-small, then stir in with a little oil. Settings Harum and red, rice bulgurnya inputs. Cover and cook in behalf of fireworks being, for 15 minutes.
Next cover opening level of neutral, acidic and kecaap melatonin. Stirring up the average.

kebuli rice

kebuli rice

6 bowls of rice
6 mankok coconut milk

1sdt coriander
1/2sdt cumin
1/2sdt pepper
1 cinnamon stick
5 cloves seeds
1 finger of ginger (finely ground)
1 piece of laos
1 bay leaf
1 stalk lemongrass
2 kaffir lime leaves
bit of nutmeg
salt to taste

How to cook:
The trick as usual cooking rice, but the water is replaced demgam coconut milk and add the spices. How to serve it with fried tofu, fried eggs Rebs then disambal, daaun celery and cucumbers.

sesame rice

 Sesame rice

1 cup rice
3 cup sesame
2 cup water
1sdm cooking oil


How to cook:
Water, salt, and oil to boil. Add the rice and simmer 1-2 minutes. Kacilkan the heat and leave to mature.
Once cooked, remove from the heat but leave the pan in the first +5-10 minutes.
Remove and pack the place of the hollow middle. Then carefully pour the hot dipiring. Sprinkle sesame seeds that have been roasted on top and serve with mayonnaise and grated cheese.

My journey towards STIKES respati TASIKMALAYA

My journey towards STIKES respati TASIKMALAYAIn 2013 I was sitting in class XII ( 3 SLTA ) , then there SNMPTN program ( National Selection State University) , I wish I could get in the PTN . It is very fortunate yah ..  I BK teacher helped the pupils who want to follow SNMPTN .SNMPTN program , we only need to send us rapot value , if not wrong from 3rd semester to semester 5 . Hhe I emang somewhat forgetful , sorry ya friend .. Well , it's time I really want to major in architecture . Though ya whose name I can not image . Then why choose majors that donk ? ? ? ? ? Haha funny if they could diinget - remember , it began when I was in psychological tests , the same time I was consulting psychologist that he said if I had the talent diseni , and he said I also fit if I were an artist ... widihhhh artists , and psychologists that haha architects say that it fits well for me . Because , it also includes art . Yahhh to think of mending so arsiteklah than being an artist . If so many artists digosipin here and there and going to a quiet life if I do not like that , everywhere pursued ............ media ( like the behavior aja lo so artists ) . Though ya of small , so I really want to be a doctor , especially health care workers . But , indeed tragic , psychologists say if I do not fit together health  .Deh already lanjutin story. After the consultation , I direct relationship to google , clays info about all arsitekan ...  Starting from learning , job prospects , and so on ... blablabla huhhh turns me interested nih same architect . And determined to select, architect majors in SNMPTN later .In SNMPTN , we are asked to choose 2 PTN PTN we each choose two majors . Time was upset more for ya second choice majors . Yahh I chose almost identical aja ama architects , namely civil engineering . If that's the design architect , while the civil engineering sort erect a sturdy building .. times less so yahh ... Having settled the UN that 20 package , which he said implementation of the UN worst  . The announcement that qualify SNMPTN arrived . Deg - deg an bangettt ... Time SNMPTN , PTN my first choice is the ITB , with a choice of architects and civil engineering majors . Choice of both the UGM , with a choice of architects and nursing jururan . Although he said I do not fit ya in health , but I try - tried wrote that time chose nursing . Then I go to the site SNMPTN , and sad bangett , it turns out I do not qualify . I began to think again made ​​deh follow SBMPTN ( Joint Selection in PTN ) . I list my friend SBMPTN deh ama SNMPTN the same victim , that do not qualify well in SNMPTN . I also nyari another alternative , yahhh sihh nyari backup point for an escape if not keterima SBMPTN . Alternative which would I take them , Polytechnic Bandung ( Polban ) , UNSOED , Muhammadiyah STIKes tasik and ciamis , University Galuh ( unigal ) .SBMPTN a few weeks before the exam , the exam ngadain Polban first nihh influx , my test entry test tuhh , , , ehhh good luck I ama emang not take sides ,  turns out I do not qualify for another incoming Polban . Huhhh  . And it turns out I do not qualify for any SBMPTN too .... The fate of my ugly bangett dehhh , ,One day I talked her ama ya my friend , it turns out his son at SNMPTN , SBMPTN , Polban also not qualify . Kasian bangett well , , , haha ...... then I will take some maneuvering alternative choice for college entrance , I was willing to follow Unsoed self exam , and want to try to list stikes mutas , mucis , ama unigal . Then mother gueyang friend did say " if you want to healthcare mending to stikes respati existing Cikunir wrote it , because it's nice lohh " . Yahh I think, no harm donk tried .And finally , I immediately wrote to the list respati stikes . Because not too far from my boarding school .Time went into the secretariat in respati , I ama student told her that I 've come tuhh SNMPTN program , entrance exam SBMPTN , and Polban . And said kemahasiswaanya say that I do not have to participate in the entrance examination respati , and immediately accepted there . Enk bangett me happy at that time . The Waku mungin jenuhh I 've started to make a list here and there. Finally I dump for " stikes respati already wrote in college " . Time list , I chose majors D3 Midwifery . Mamah I do not know if I took my majors. I say ama mamah fit , not have thought he was really upset if I take some of the department . I was told to move another kejurusan , if necessary, move all campuses wrote . Yahh I'm confused dong . Where else already on the closed campus selection influx . Fine I said the same if I want to move papah majors , respati stikes just happened to be in there 2 majors , the same S1 D3 Midwifery Public Health . I said to want to move to S1 papah Public Health . Ehhh I'm not mistaken papah too angry , he said " you should have it 's own establishment . Do not move because other people tell us , that you are going to college " . Yahh I wrote more confused .Eventually I moved wrote to Prodi S1 according to Public Health by reason mamah ama aja , , , And it turns out after a long journey to pick college ends in STIKes respati TASIKMALAYA by selecting S1 Prodi Public Health .

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Wida Nurul Wahidah blog's: cara merawat tangan dan kaki

Wida Nurul Wahidah blog's: cara merawat tangan dan kaki: Merawat tangan dan kaki Tangan dan kaki juga memerlukan perawatan yang khusus, seperti halnya bagian tubuh yang lain. Khususnya kuk...

cara membuat es anggur hijau


300gr buah anggur hijau tanpa biji, dibelah dua
250gr buah kiwi, kupas iris melintang tipis
300gr daging buah melon, bentuk bola
800ml air soda
4sdm air jeruk nipis

Sirop vanili:
200ml sirop vanili
100ml air

Cara membuat:
1.    Sirop vanili: panaskan semua bahan, angkat.
2.    Aduk semua bahan, tambahkan sirop vanili, aduk rata. Simpan dalm lemari pendingin hingga waktu dihidangkan.
3.    Tuangkakn dalam gelas-gelas saji.

cara membuat es agar-agar


2bungkus agar-agar bubuk
150cc air
100gr gula pasir
Pewarna hijau secukupnya
1 buah nanas potong dadu
600gr cincau hitam, poting dadu
250gr kolang kaling (potong tipis dan rebus dengan sedikit pewarna merah)
Es serut secukupnya

Sirup, rebus sampai mendidih:
450gr gula pasir
450cc air
2 lembar daun pandan
2 lembar daun jeruk
Garam secukupnya

Cara membuat:
          Rebus agar-agar dengan air, gula dan pewarna sampai mendidih, angkat, masukkan kedalam Loyang dan biarkan membeku, serut memanjang dengan parutan keju.
Cara menghidangkan:
          Dalam gelas panjang isi agar-agar, cincau, kolang kaling dan nanas. Beri sirup dan es batu, hias dengan buah ceri, dan hidangkan.