
Sunday 16 February 2014

My journey towards STIKES respati TASIKMALAYA

My journey towards STIKES respati TASIKMALAYAIn 2013 I was sitting in class XII ( 3 SLTA ) , then there SNMPTN program ( National Selection State University) , I wish I could get in the PTN . It is very fortunate yah ..  I BK teacher helped the pupils who want to follow SNMPTN .SNMPTN program , we only need to send us rapot value , if not wrong from 3rd semester to semester 5 . Hhe I emang somewhat forgetful , sorry ya friend .. Well , it's time I really want to major in architecture . Though ya whose name I can not image . Then why choose majors that donk ? ? ? ? ? Haha funny if they could diinget - remember , it began when I was in psychological tests , the same time I was consulting psychologist that he said if I had the talent diseni , and he said I also fit if I were an artist ... widihhhh artists , and psychologists that haha architects say that it fits well for me . Because , it also includes art . Yahhh to think of mending so arsiteklah than being an artist . If so many artists digosipin here and there and going to a quiet life if I do not like that , everywhere pursued ............ media ( like the behavior aja lo so artists ) . Though ya of small , so I really want to be a doctor , especially health care workers . But , indeed tragic , psychologists say if I do not fit together health  .Deh already lanjutin story. After the consultation , I direct relationship to google , clays info about all arsitekan ...  Starting from learning , job prospects , and so on ... blablabla huhhh turns me interested nih same architect . And determined to select, architect majors in SNMPTN later .In SNMPTN , we are asked to choose 2 PTN PTN we each choose two majors . Time was upset more for ya second choice majors . Yahh I chose almost identical aja ama architects , namely civil engineering . If that's the design architect , while the civil engineering sort erect a sturdy building .. times less so yahh ... Having settled the UN that 20 package , which he said implementation of the UN worst  . The announcement that qualify SNMPTN arrived . Deg - deg an bangettt ... Time SNMPTN , PTN my first choice is the ITB , with a choice of architects and civil engineering majors . Choice of both the UGM , with a choice of architects and nursing jururan . Although he said I do not fit ya in health , but I try - tried wrote that time chose nursing . Then I go to the site SNMPTN , and sad bangett , it turns out I do not qualify . I began to think again made ​​deh follow SBMPTN ( Joint Selection in PTN ) . I list my friend SBMPTN deh ama SNMPTN the same victim , that do not qualify well in SNMPTN . I also nyari another alternative , yahhh sihh nyari backup point for an escape if not keterima SBMPTN . Alternative which would I take them , Polytechnic Bandung ( Polban ) , UNSOED , Muhammadiyah STIKes tasik and ciamis , University Galuh ( unigal ) .SBMPTN a few weeks before the exam , the exam ngadain Polban first nihh influx , my test entry test tuhh , , , ehhh good luck I ama emang not take sides ,  turns out I do not qualify for another incoming Polban . Huhhh  . And it turns out I do not qualify for any SBMPTN too .... The fate of my ugly bangett dehhh , ,One day I talked her ama ya my friend , it turns out his son at SNMPTN , SBMPTN , Polban also not qualify . Kasian bangett well , , , haha ...... then I will take some maneuvering alternative choice for college entrance , I was willing to follow Unsoed self exam , and want to try to list stikes mutas , mucis , ama unigal . Then mother gueyang friend did say " if you want to healthcare mending to stikes respati existing Cikunir wrote it , because it's nice lohh " . Yahh I think, no harm donk tried .And finally , I immediately wrote to the list respati stikes . Because not too far from my boarding school .Time went into the secretariat in respati , I ama student told her that I 've come tuhh SNMPTN program , entrance exam SBMPTN , and Polban . And said kemahasiswaanya say that I do not have to participate in the entrance examination respati , and immediately accepted there . Enk bangett me happy at that time . The Waku mungin jenuhh I 've started to make a list here and there. Finally I dump for " stikes respati already wrote in college " . Time list , I chose majors D3 Midwifery . Mamah I do not know if I took my majors. I say ama mamah fit , not have thought he was really upset if I take some of the department . I was told to move another kejurusan , if necessary, move all campuses wrote . Yahh I'm confused dong . Where else already on the closed campus selection influx . Fine I said the same if I want to move papah majors , respati stikes just happened to be in there 2 majors , the same S1 D3 Midwifery Public Health . I said to want to move to S1 papah Public Health . Ehhh I'm not mistaken papah too angry , he said " you should have it 's own establishment . Do not move because other people tell us , that you are going to college " . Yahh I wrote more confused .Eventually I moved wrote to Prodi S1 according to Public Health by reason mamah ama aja , , , And it turns out after a long journey to pick college ends in STIKes respati TASIKMALAYA by selecting S1 Prodi Public Health .

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